Rökstólar Samvinnumiðstöð


1, Rökstólar have been contracted by RANNÍS to preparecarry out and evaluate a set of educational activities (mainly trainings) organized in the frame of European Youth Projects and funded by the European Commission.  All educational activities that we provide are based on experiential learning and are carried out in the frame of non-formal education. 


2, We´ve been developing a course for educators and/or parents focusing on development of 2 main competences: LEARNING to LEARN and COMMUNICATION SKILLS contributing to well-being of all involved. Below, you can find more info in Icelandic about the apetizer we offered in  a local library:

Rökstólar Samvinnumiðstöð býður upp á námskeið fyrir alla foreldra og fagaðila sem koma að barnauppeldi. 
Að þessu sinni verður þátttakendum m.a. boðið að prófa á eigin skinni uppbyggilegar og valdeflandi aðferðir við úrlausn ágreinings. 

Lenka tengir saman aðferðir og hugmyndafræði sem hún telur leiða af sér persónulegan ávinning í formi sjálfsþekkingar. 

Af hverju að mæta og við hverju má búast?
- Fá stuðning við að efla samskiptafærni sína. 
- Fá aðstoð við að finna lausnir sem virka fyrir þig og þitt fjölskyldukerfi. 
- Finna leiðir til að sinna foreldrahlutverkinu á hátt sem fullnægir þér og skapar vellíðan. 
-...og svo bara gaman!

Samverustundin fer fram í barnahorni Bókasafns Dalvíkurbyggðar, börn eru
að sjálfsögðu velkomin með foreldrum sínum og allir sem gætu haft áhuga á málefninu. Hlökkum til að sjá sem flesta!

Frekari upplýsingar má lesa um Lenku, bakgrunn hennar og námskeiðin sem hún hefur haldið, hér að neðan: 
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Lenka (the founder of Rökstólar) has been working as an educator for more than 15 years now and became a mother in 2012.
Since then, she’s been figuring out efficient path on how to combine motherhood and working life in a fulfilling way.
Being very aware of the challenges and ups and downs that parenthood brings, Lenka decided to design an empowering course model that would support all those involved in upbringing, while helping them stay authentic.

For the last 10 years, she´s been successfully piloting innovative educational approaches and designing learning experiences as well as learning spaces that answer the needs of 21st century and secure WELL BEING of learners and educators.

Conflict resolution, leadership, teamwork and personal growth have been some of the dominant themes in our work throughout EUROPE and south of ICELAND. Now it’s time to bring our most successful course elements together and design a tailored-made course that will serve not only parents, but also educators or those involved in children´s upbringing. We´re looking forward to spreading our work more locally, in the North of Iceland.


3, Rökstólar have been working on international educational projects, leading profound innovation and change in the field of education. 

Below you can find  the overview with basic details of the ongoing ones:

As of now, there is no long-term international project going on. Please consult the section with Completed projects