Rökstólar Samvinnumiðstöð

VISIONs and future plans

This is a place, where we record inspiring thoughts related to FUTURE and visions...

written: February 2019

I´m looking forward to piloting use of Social Presencing Theater as a method that enables individuals and groups to experience their current reality more clearly and to allow them to move into a saner, more compassionate future. It applys embodiment practices in leadership and change work. It is designed for facilitators, activists, consultants, performing artists and anyone interested in creativity and social change.(Additional information about Theory U and the Social presencing Theater can be found in the website of the Presencing Institute www.presencing.com)

written: September 2017

With the world becoming more complex, we think that LEARNING should be about :

  • following rhythms of inquiry and learning rather than rhythms of compartmentalised structures and times,
  • moving away from memorising and teaching towards exploring and learning by doing,
  • turning away from sitting and listening passively to constructing and collaborating actively,
  • facilitating learning from failure instead of punishing every little mistake,
  • accepting uncertainty as the only certainty there is within the complexity of learning,
  • relating learning and living in ways that are fruitful and enriching both ways,
  • not teaching what to learn and think, but by teaching how to learn and think,
  • inventing and facilitating new and integrated learning formats, combining subjects and approaches,
  • turning away from instruction and control towards facilitation and support,
  • moving away from spaces controlled by educators towards spaces controlled by learners,
  • providing encouragement and support instead of criticism and barriers.

As the result of this belief, we´ve been working on piloting and co-creation of new and dynamic learning spaces as an addition to the existing ones on offer in small municipalities in the North of Iceland.


written: September 2014

Most of our work is dedicated to life – quality improvement and powerful community creations. 
Employees of Rökstólar are a part of thriving community, where people are not afraid to change things for better and learn from each other, being enriched by continuous learning from all the members in society - starting with children and ending with elders.

written: September 2011

Icelandic tourism providers 'off the beaten track' understand and benefit from efficient cooperation with the others in the field. They have enough customers all year round, to ensure enough income on one hand, but making sure that the nature doesn´t get ruined on the other hand.

The season in the north of Iceland is stretched to May - October and there are more tourists visiting the north in the wintertime than now. Ideally, in a few years to come, North Iceland will be visited all year round.

written: September 2011